About the Sussex Dragonfly Group

Welcome to the Sussex Dragonfly Group, part of the British Dragonfly Society.

We are a small, but growing band of Dragonfly enthusiasts dedicated to the Sussex dragonfly fauna.

Membership of the Sussex Dragonfly Group is FREE, as are the expert lead field trips and other occasional meetings and newsletters.

The principal Officers of the group are: Ben Rainbow (Chairman & Press and Publicity), Phil Belden (Treasurer), Penny Green (Secretary & Records), Victoria Benstead-Hume (Website Manager), Fran Southgate (Newsletter Editor), Jon Wood (Pond Officer) and Vicky Hale (committee member).

Whilst the Sussex Dragonfly Group is independent, it is also supportive of the National Society. Members are encouraged to join the British Dragonfly Society, for the modest subscription of £15 pa. Membership includes two issues of the informative newsletter and the annual, and more technical, research orientated 'Journal of the British Dragonfly Society.'

Emperor Dragonfly, Anax imperator. Copyright James Worsley
(JJW) O-07-124 - Copy(JPG) BTSkimmer - Copy


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