Adding photos

Taken a great picture and want to share it?

Simply click on Photo library link in the selection below, and select the upload tab. Add the files you'd like to upload (they must be less than 5mb in size). Remember to change the title, description and tags so they describe the species (if known) and your name so everyone will know who took the picture. Click 'upload files' to load your images.

After you've uploaded your file, switch back to the 'library' tab and click on the green 'insert' button (to the right of your image, under the 'actions' column). You may need to close and re-open the upload window to reload the images. Once this is done, close the upload window and your photo should appear in the members' photos box. You can then click on your photo to travel direct to its page and add a comment about where you took the picture, how you took it, etc.

If you run into difficulties, email You must be a member of the website and logged in to add photos. Click on the link in the right hand column to join.


Sussex Dragonfly Group - Members' Photos


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