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Scurson wrote:
24-Jun-2022 - 22:29

2 separate Norfolk Hawker seen on Hooe Level area of Pevensey Levels this afternoon. Walk north east from Star Inn and check first ditch you come to after about 200m. Seen well with binoculars - no doubt about correct ID.

MH wrote:
20-Jul-2020 - 8:44

Southern migrant hawkers, willow emerald and white-legged damselflies seen around the Winchelsea area today.

Kris7865 wrote:
13-Jun-2020 - 15:30

A Black-tailed Skimmer seen and photographed today at around midday on waste ground near a pond close by Black Ditch, Littlehampton (TQ041040)

Alex10 wrote:
02-Jun-2020 - 16:58

Quick trip out to Woods Mill and saw some Downy Emeralds (pretty sure they were they don't exactly stay still!!). Will post some pics but they're not the best quality as its difficult to see some of the colouration. Also a female Emperor ovipositing

PennyGreen wrote:
30-May-2020 - 20:50

We had a great dragonfly survey along the Knepp river restoration today, in glorious sunshine. We recorded 14 species in total, with notable numbers of the less common species: 45 x scarce chaser, 97 x white-legged damselfly and 18 hairy dragonfly! It was so lovely to see this restoration coming in to it's own. Dave and Pen Green

NeilHulme wrote:
30-May-2020 - 20:10

Three Common Clubtail (2f, 1m) yesterday (29 May) and three (1f, 2m) today (30 May) at Kithurst Hill conservation meadow.

Elliot2 wrote:
28-May-2020 - 20:41

Today (28th May) saw a male Scarce Chaser at Slaugham Lake from the footpath, as far as I can ascertain there are no previous records of this species at this site. Also a Brilliant Emerald, several Emperors, Beautiful Demoiselle, Azure and Large Red-eyed Damselflies.

johnluck wrote:
18-Apr-2020 - 13:32

On 15th April 2020, an extremely early Broad-bodied Chaser emerged from one of our ponds and was drying itself out on our hebe bush. Probably 2-3 weeks earlier than normal.

johnarnott wrote:
05-Jul-2019 - 18:37

Norfolk Hawker at RSPB Medmerry this afternoon 05.07.19 at c. 13:35h. Bullying several Four-spotted Chasers. Took me a while to ID as it never stopped patrolling at warp speed. Process of elimination led to that ID and then it landed for 10 seconds, which nailed it. I was with Chichester Natural History Soc conducting the annual dragonfly survey and one of the members got a good image of it landed. I went back at 14:00h having retrieved my camera from my wife and managed to get five photos of it in flight - blurred but good enough for validation. By then an Emperor had arrived so the Norfolk Hawker wasn't king of the castle anymore as they both engaged in tail-chases, mostly the Emperor being dominant. NGR SZ 82628 96168. Go to and feed this NGR in. I'll put this on iRecord together with photos.

Also a nice Red-veined Darter on the track at SZ 82359 95842. Again, I'll put this on iRecord with photos.

Full report covering all species will appear on the Chichester Natural History Soc web site at soon. Data is also sent to SxBRC and RSPB at Pagham.

Pomskua wrote:
02-Jul-2019 - 19:11

Just getting into Dragonflies and Damsel flies. At Woods Mill around 8 Ruddy Darter, 2 Broad-bodied Chaser, 6+ Emperor Dragonflies Inc 1 newly emerge pupae, 1 Beautiful Demoiselle, 1 Large Red Damselfly and plenth of Azure and Blue-tailed Damselfly. At Beeding Brooks another 6 Emperors, 3 Ruddy Darter and single Banded Demoiselle, highlight was a single White-legged Damselfly (f) in a nettle patch on the bank of the Adur.

19-Jul-2018 - 16:34

Up to 3 pairs mating plus singles of Small Red-eyed Damselfly on a marsh drainage channel at TQ 926213 just north of the railway bridge at Rye on 12th and 15th July.

Ben_Rainbow wrote:
25-Jun-2018 - 13:34

Plenty of Azure Damselflies and Large Red Damselflies at the pond on Red House Common, Chailey. A couple of Emperor dragonflies were hawking the heathland areas but no heathland specialists species were recorded.

JFC wrote:
13-Jun-2018 - 15:34

JFC: 13/6/2018 Visited Ditchling Common but just 1 male Black-tailed Skimmer 1 male Beautiful Demoiselle, and 1-2 Emperors seen.

JFC wrote:
11-Jun-2018 - 18:39

10th June 2018 Visited Park Corner Reserve and Rowland Wood during the morning and recorded 1 Four-spotted Chaser, 3 Emperors, Several Common Blue Damselflies, and at least 10 White-legged Damselflies several of which were mating, and these were showing in the meadow at Rowland Wood. JFC

Joe_Baker_1 wrote:
09-Jun-2018 - 9:18

Monday 4th June: Further from the posts below. I managed a single adult common clubtail late in the afternoon at the River Rother, Fittleworth. I also recorded Emperor, broad bodied chaser, banded demoiselle, large red demselfly, blue tailed and large red eyed damselfly. At Stopham i recorded 20 Scarce Chaser and all of the damselfly mentioned above.

DS2133 wrote:
28-May-2018 - 17:55

Monday 28th May: Still a few Common Clubtails emerging on the Arun today. Saw 4 this morning, as well as Hairy Hawkers, Banded Demoiselles and Variable, Azure and Large Red Damselflies.
On the Rother at Fittleworth, the adult Clubtails are returning to the river quite early this year, with 10 males there today. A couple of male Emperors patrolling, too.

DS2133 wrote:
24-May-2018 - 10:23

Wednesday 23rd May: my 6th visit to the Arun this 'emergence season' revealed 7 teneral Common Clubtails, down from recent visits, so I wonder if the emergence is tailing (?) off. Or the strong breeze discouraged them.
In the afternoon, in the butterfly meadow at Kithurst Hill were two stunning female Clubtails. Well worth a look if they stick around for their maturation period as it's not too easy to get good views of the female of the species. Male and female Hairy Hawkers there too.

DS2133 wrote:
10-May-2018 - 9:13

Wednesday 9th May:
River Rother Fittleworth: Banded Demoiselle.
Burton Pond: Large Red, Variable and Blue-tailed Damselflies; Hairy Hawkers (8), Broad-bodied Chaser, and numerous Four-spotted Chasers (many emerging).
Graffham Common: Large Red and Azure Damselflies; Downy Emeralds (2) and Four-spotted Chasers.

nicklear wrote:
03-May-2018 - 18:21

A Broad-bodied Chaser at Knowlands, Barcombe today, my first dragonfly of the year.

DS2133 wrote:
07-Sep-2017 - 18:08

At Woods Mill on Wednesday (6.9.17) 2 ovipositing pairs of Willow Emerald Damselfly and a further pair in tandem, and at least 7 other males. Species also present: Common Blue Damselfly, Migrant, Southern and Brown Hawkers and Common and Ruddy Darters.

DS2133 wrote:
15-Aug-2017 - 16:38

At Woods Mill today I had my highest count so far of 7 Willow Emerald Damselflies, all males, around the lake. Also present were Azure, Large Red-eyed and Blue-tailed Damselflies; Emperor; Brown and Southern Hawkers; and Common and Ruddy Darters.

Ben_Rainbow wrote:
14-Aug-2017 - 11:27

A superb day was had by all at Graffham and Lavington Commons yesterday on our Sussex Dragonfly Group walk. The weather was perfect and highlights of the day were Black Darter, Four-spotted Chaser, Ruddy Darter and a few fleeting glimpses of Golden-ringed Dragonfly. A number of charismatic bird species were also spotted. Well done to The Sussex Wildlife Trust and The National Trust for doing such a good job or restoring these former plantation sites.


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