Bedford & District Amateur Radio Club

Wanted / For Sale / Sold


Working Reflow Oven with Micro-Computer up to 50 pounds.

For Sale:


all. I have just received a message from a friend of mine about a Tennamast that is up for disposal The mast extends to approximately 40' and is about 25' when telescoped down.

At the moment it has been lowered to the horizontal position which will make inspection easier. The lower sleeve is concreted into the ground, how easy this would be to remove I have no idea, so it may be necessary to replace it.

If anyone is interested in this it is located in Isleham and in the first instance could you please email Barbara at to discuss any further details, questions etc. Please feel free to pass this on to anyone that you think may be interested.

 Bill G8IAY

SOLARTRON CD1400 • Dual Trace • 17 Valves (5 per Y-amp + 7 timebase) • 5" Green screen CRT with 4KV EHT. • 15MHz Bandwidth NOTES A dual trace 'scope based around the use of plug-in units. The following plug-ins were available :- CX1441 Wide-band amplifier, DC-15MHz, 10mV/cm CX1442 High gain differential amplifier. 100uV/cm but a lousy DC-7.5KHz bandwidth CX1443 General purpose timebase to 0.5uS/div CX1444 Sweep delay timebase, based on CX1443 but added 0-100mS trigger delay and TV synch seperator. CX1448 Wide range timebase CX1449 Wide band differential amplifier. DC-10MHz, 10mV/cm. This particular example is fitted with two CX1441 Y amplifiers and a CX1443 unit timebase / X amplifier. In the USA, this scope was distributed by the Heathkit company. Although Heathkit are better known for supplying kits, this scope was supplied ready built and rebadged as a "Heath-Solartron". However it seems to have been quite expensive, the $450 price tag being for just a base unit. Add at least $350 for two 'Y' amplifiers and a timebase plug-in. Thanks to Bob Perlstein for this additional information. Advertisement from a 1969 Heathkit catalogue. Follow this link for complete advert [121K] SERVICE DATA You can fins a copy of the operating instructions and basic schematic on the service data page. CURRENT STATE CRT is bright and well focussed. Time base works, as does channel 2. However channel 1 only seems to work on "A.C. x 10", the trace dissapearing on "A.C." and "D.C.".


Sold 400 Watt Valve Linear Amplifier

Home brew HF 80-10m Grounded Grid linear amplifier, 4 x PL509 valves.
650 Watt dc i/p, comes with ten spare valves!

Images of the amplifier: (opens new window)

Further Reading: ... g.htm

NOTE: Seller is responsible for accuracy of listing. BADARC assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of advert -



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