Bedford & District Amateur Radio Club
                G3WTP  M1BED  G8B


Good Amateur Radio Operating Practices.

Showing consideration for others.

  • Remember that radio contacts are not private – the amateur radio community is a public place.
  • Use language that is clear and will not offend.
  • Leave music to the broadcast stations
  • Keep a copy of the band plans to hand and follow them.
  • Use amateur codes and abbreviations on amateur bands when they are appropriate (e.g. Two Echo Zero, QSY, 73, 5&9) and avoid codes or jargon from other radio users (e.g. CB, PMR, military, marine).
  • Keep overs short as you would in a conversation – new friends might want to join in or conditions might change such that your signals fade away.
  • If you find another station on ‘your’ frequency politely ask them to move, or move your QSO to a clear frequency – propagation may have changed and they may have been there all the time.
  • Find a clear frequency to tune up on and keep a note of your ATU settings for quick retuning next time you use the band. Double check that the frequency is really free.
  • Reduce power to minimum whilst tuning – it’s safer for your radio and less interference to others. Calling other stations.
  • Listen carefully to the call – is it a general to all or a specific call continent or country?.
  • Only call if the CQ is general or for your area (e.g. ‘CQ UK’ ‘CQ Europe’) or your callsign group (e.g. ‘calls with zero only’) your turn will come be patient.
  • Always give your callsign in full and remember to send the other station’s call first (e.g. ‘Delta Six Eight Charlie from Golf Zero Alpha Bravo Charlie).
  • Answer CQ calls once then listen; only call again if no other station has been identified – be patient.
  • If the station you are calling is not working anyone near you wait a while and try again later – be patient.
  • Try calling CQ on bands that sound dead – others may be waiting for a call.
  • Remember, there is no need for ‘CQ’ on a repeater just ‘M6XYZ listening through GB3BF’ or ‘M6XYZ listening for any calls’ is enough. Helping others.
  • Keep the hobby growing and help newcomers to get started and experienced feel wanted.
  • Offer friendly advice to help others improve their skills.
  • If you can hear someone calling CQ and no one is answering, give them a call, even if it is just to let them know their signals are getting out.
  • Always give accurate signal reports – if you need 3 repeats, they cannot be 5&9.
  • Inspire others to be good operators by being one yourself.
  • If someone needs help (e.g. with putting up an antenna) lend a hand – you may need help next time.

Take and give advice freely, gently, altruistically and kindly.

Being active.

  • Use the bands without abusing the privileges that your Licence gives you.
  • Join in club activities (local, national or both) – they provide an excellent opportunity to help others and to learn more about the hobby..
  • Familiarise yourself with your own radio equipment (e.g. Know how to work ‘split’).
  • Read through the whole of your Licence – the training doesn’t cover all of it but you must comply with the parts that apply to you

Read up on topics of interest.

  • Try new ways of operating (e.g. backpacking, data modes, satellites, gaining awards, taking part in contests).
  • Experiment with different antennas, bands, modes – learn by doing.
  • If you don’t know something, try to find the answer, search the web, read some books or ask for help.
  • Set yourself some goals (e.g. To upgrade your licence by the end of the year, to work 100 countries in a year/month/ weekend, to learn Morse and get a proficiency certificate).



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