Emerging Energy Materials & Devices (EEMD)                                                                               

                                       Jinping LIU (???), Ph.D. & Chair Professor                                    
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing,
School of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Life Science,
Wuhan University of Technology, P.R. China
Email: liujp@whut.edu.cn;liujpwhut@163.com



Welcome to Prof. Liu's Research Group

  • Postdoctoral Recruitment (2023-): >RMB 300 thousand yuan/Year (providing house with furnitures). Please contact me if you have interest in this position. Link 

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There are many applications for postdoc and Ph D in my group. I might not be able to reply to every message. Thanks for your understanding.

   ?????????????????(Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, FRSC)   2019/12/7

   ???????????(Clarivate Analytics)??“??????(Highly Cited Researchers)”?

   ???????7???????(Elsevier)???????(Most Cited Chinese Researchers)?? "----???????(2014-2020)

    Our Adv. Mater. 2012, 24, 5166 paper is No.3 among the ten most cited papers of 2012–2013 in Advanced Materials, according to a recent Advanced Materials Editorial: Adv. Mater. 2015, 27, 12 (No.1 in Mainland China).

     MaterialsView China?????????????(???????????????;???“?????????”??)

    We are involved in the research of advanced materials with specific application field in electrochemical energy storage. Our research focuses on the basic, fundamental science of several technologies and devices that will impact our society in the future. Energy devices such as organic electrolyte Li/Na/K ion batteries, aqueous rechargeable batteries, solid-state batteries, supercapacitors, are some of the areas we broadly cover at the present time. In particular, we have great interest in using nanostructured thin-film or 3D architectures in these emerging areas for developing high-performance electrode/electrolyte integrated thin-film power sources. 

    Prof. Liu cordially invite you to share your exciting experience of the research with us. 


Recent publication:

Designing Polymer-in-Salt Electrolyte and Fully Infiltrated 3D Electrode for Integrated Solid-State Lithium Batteries, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. , 2021, 60, 12931-12940


A Flexible Quasi-Solid-State Nickel-Zinc Battery with High Energy and Power Densities Based on 3D Electrode Design (Zn dendrite-free). Advanced Materials2016, DOI:10.1002/adma.201603038.

Bismuth Oxide as a Versatile High-Capacity Electrode Material for Rechargeable Aqueous Metal-Ion Batteries (in 17 kinds of aqueous electrolytes), Energy & Environmental Science2016, DOI: 10.1039/C6EE01871H.

Asymmetric Supercapacitor Device from CoO @ PPy nanowire arrayNano Letters, 2013, 13, 2078.                                             




Principal Investigator


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Focus and Work Hard! Passion, Passion

  • Wuhan
  • China

About me:
(i) Advanced Electrode & Electrolyte Materials
(ii) Supercapacitors, Batteries & Hybrid Devices
(iii) Energy Storage Mechanism and Interphase & Interface
(iv) Flexible/Solid-State Electrochemical Energy Storage


Selected Publications

See more HERE.

(1) Understanding pillar chemistry in potassium-containing polyanion materials for long-lasting sodium-ion batteriesNature Communications2024, 15, 9889.

(2) Confining Conversion Chemistry in Intercalation Host for Aqueous Batteries, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2024, 63, e202409098.

(3) Shelf Life of Lithium-Sulfur Batteries Under Lean Electrolyte: Status and ChallengesEnergy & Environmental Science, 2024, 17, 1695-1724.

(4) Selective Shielding of the (002) Plane Enabling Vertically Oriented Zinc Plating for Dendrite-Free Zinc AnodeAdvanced Materials, 2024, 36(11), 2308577.

(5) Filler-Integrated Composite Polymer Electrolyte for Solid-State Lithium BatteriesAdvanced Materials, 2023, 35, 2110423.

(6) Polyolefin-Based Separator with Interfacial Chemistry Regulation for Robust Potassium Metal BatteriesAngew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023, 62, e2023063

(7) Designing Polymer-in-Salt Electrolyte and Fully Infiltrated 3D Electrode for Integrated Solid-State Lithium Batteries, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, 60, 12931-12940.

(8) Surface and Interface Engineering of Nanoarrays towards Advanced Electrodes and Electrochemical Energy Storage DevicesAdvanced Materials, 2021, 33, 2004959.

(9) Weak Ionization Induced Interfacial Deposition and Transformation towards Fast-Charging NaTi2(PO4)3 Nanowire Bundles for Advanced Aqueous Sodium Ion CapacitorsAdvanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31, 2101027

(10) Electrolyte Engineering towards High-Voltage Aqueous Energy Storage Devices, Energy & Environmental Materials, 2021, 4, 302-306

(11) The stability of P2-layered sodium transition metal oxides in ambient atmospheresNature Communications, 2020, 11, 3544.

(12) Non-Interference Revealing of “Layered to Layered” Zinc Storage Mechanism of δ-MnO2 towards Neutral Zn-Mn Batteries with Superior Performance, Advanced Science, 2020, 7(6), 1902795

(13) Scalable Wire-Type Asymmetric Pseudocapacitor Achieving High Volumetric Energy/Power Densities and Ultralong Cycling Stability of 100,000 TimesAdvanced Science, 2019, 6(10), 1802067.

(14) Definitions of Pseudocapacitive Materials: A Brief ReviewEnergy & Environmental Materials, 2019, 2, 30-37.

(15) Conformal Multifunctional Titania Shell on Conversion Electrode Enables High Stability Exceeding 30000 Cycles in Aqueous ElectrolyteAdvanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28(28), 1800497.

(16) In-Plane Assembled Orthorhombic Nb2O5 Nanorod Film with High-Rate Li+ Intercalation for High-Performance Flexible Li-Ion Capacitor, Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28, 1704330.

(17) A non-polarity flexible asymmetric supercapacitor with nickel nanoparticle@carbon nanotube three-dimensional network electrodes, Energy Storage Materials, 2018, 11, 75-82.

(18) Battery-Supercapacitor Hybrid Devices: Recent Progress and Future Prospects, Advanced Science, 2017, 4, 1600539.

(19) A Novel Phase-Transformation Activation Process towards Ni-Mn-O Nanoprism Arrays for 2.4 V Ultrahigh-Voltage Aqueous Supercapacitors, Advanced Materials, 2017, 29, 1703463.

(20) Facile Formation of a Solid Electrolyte Interface as a Smart Blocking Layer for High-Stability Sulfur Cathode, Advanced Materials2017, 29, 1700273.

(21) Bismuth Oxide: A Versatile High-Capacity Electrode Material for Rechargeable Aqueous Metal-Ion BatteriesEnergy & Environmental Science2016, 9, 2881-2891.

(22) A Flexible Quasi-Solid-State Battery with High Energy and Power Densities Based on Three-Dimensional Electrode DesignAdvanced Materials, 2016, 28, 8732-8739.

(23) Carbon-Stabilized High-Capacity Ferroferric Oxide Nanorod Array for Flexible Solid-State Alkaline Battery-Supercapacitor Hybrid Device with High Environmental Suitability, Advanced Functional Materials2015, 25, 5384-5394.

(24) Fabrication and Shell Optimization of Synergistic TiO2-MoO3 Core-Shell Nanowire Array Anode for High Energy and Power Density Lithium-Ion BatteriesAdvanced Functional Materials2015,  25, 3524–3533.

(25) Construction of High-Capacitance 3D CoO @ Polypyrrole  Nanowire Array Electrode for Aqueous Asymmetric Supercapacitor, Nano Letters2013, 13, 2078.

(26) Recent Advances in Metal Oxide-based Electrode Architecture Design for Electrochemical Energy StorageAdvanced Materials2012, 24, 5166 (????)  

(27) Co3O4 Nanowire @ MnO2 Ultrathin Nanosheet Core/Shell Arrays: A New Class of High-Performance Pseudocapacitive MaterialsAdvanced Materials2011, 23, 2076 (??????,? "Nature Asia Materials" and "Nanowerk"??)

(28) CNTs/Ni Hybrid Nanostructured Arrays: Synthesis and Application as High-Performance Electrode Materials for Pseudocapacitor, Energy & Environ. Sci.2011, 4, 5000.

(29) Layered Double Hydroxide Nano- and Microstructures Grown Directly on Metal Substrates and Their Calcined Products for Application as Li-Ion Battery ElectrodesAdvanced Functional Materials, 2008, 18, 1448.

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