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If you forgot your USER NAME, send us an email at this email address. and we will send you your user name, To RE-SET your password, at the bottom of the sign-in box, click on the small text line ‘Forgotten your password?. It’s an active link to the password reset module. It will open a window where you can change your password.




Network Terms of Use

This KKDHS Webjam network was created for the nostalgic enjoyment of former KKDHS students, alumni and their families. It is not associated in any way with any Kenora school nor is it responsible for any KKDHS administrative, educational responsibilities or obligations past or present. This network is a Members Only site and is NOT open to or accessible by the general public. By becoming a Member you are consenting to access, view and share with fellow alumni Members the 1950's KKDHS Yearbook materials posted on this KKDHS network.  We sincerely hope you will enjoy the memories contained here in the nostalgic spirit in which it is intended.

KKDHS 50's FRIENDS, KKDHS CLASS PHOTOS and KKDHS 50's SPORTS Webjam websites network is created and maintained by and © Norman G. Drew, Since 2008. All Rights Reserved.



Click here ti join KKDHS 50's SPORTS free! Join this FREE Webjam and locate more of your KKDHS FRIENDS ! NOTE: Please use your REAL NAME when requesting to join, not a pseudonym, as we need to know it is a request from a genuine person and not a 'bot-crawler' computer hacker. You can change your 'user name' after joining. Thanks.


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